# Column Name Description
1 company_name The name of the company.
2 valuation_usd The valuation of the company in USD.
3 crunchbase_total_investment_us Total investment the company has received in USD
4 markets Private or Public
5 days_since_last_fundraise Number of days since the company last raised funding.
6 headcount The total headcount at the company
7 headcount_mom_percent The month-over-month (MoM) percentage change in headcount.
8 headcount_qoq_percent The quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) percentage change in headcount.
9 headcount_yoy_percent The year-over-year (YoY) percentage change in headcount.
10 headcount_mom_absolute The absolute change in headcount from the previous month.
11 headcount_qoq_absolute The absolute change in headcount from the previous quarter.
12 headcount_yoy_absolute The absolute change in headcount from the previous year.
13 hq_country The country where the company's headquarters is located.
14 largest_headcount_country The country with the largest headcount for this company.
15 last_funding_round_type The type of the last funding round the company underwent (e.g., seed, series A, series B, etc.).
16 company_website The URL of the company's official website.
17 company_website_domain The domain of the company's official website.
18 valuation_date The date when the company was last valued.
19 categories The categories the company is listed under
20 industries The industry sectors that the company is listed under
21 investors The investors in the company, sourced from Crunchbase.
22 categories The categories the company is listed under on Crunchbase.
23 linkedin_url The URL of the company's LinkedIn profile.
24 acquisition_status The current acquisition status of the company (e.g., independent, acquired, IPO'd, etc.).
25 company_year_founded The year the company was founded.
26 founder_names_and_linkedin_profile_urls The names of the founders and their respective profile URLs.
27 founders_location The location of the company's founders.
28 founders_education_institute The educational institutions that the founders attended.
29 founders_degree_name The degrees that the founders hold.
30 founders_previous_company The companies where the founders previously worked.
31 founders_previous_title The job titles that the founders held at their previous companies.
32 monthly_website_visitors Number of monthly website visitors
33 website_visitors_mom_growth Monthly website visitors MoM growth